About My Art

I like colour.

I use colour as my language; I like its exuberant personality and the moods it evokes. I use it intuitively, and with unbridled imagination- if it feels right, it is. But mostly, I use it because it best expresses the delight I feel in the unusual and the eccentric.

I seriously believe that there is nothing that a little colour cannot improve.

Being a self-taught artist feels great. With no rules to confine me, I draw inspiration from wherever I choose. I love the strong lines and luminous colours of Indian, African and Mexican folk art and the first time I encountered the work of the ‘Fauvists’ it was, for me, a religious experience. I was entranced by their powerful use of colour, and the sheer joy of their canvases. I became a follower for life.

Why do I paint? Now that’s a tough one. Because I love to? Because it makes me happy? Or is it because it is a perfect way to make visible what I feel? Is it all this and more? I really don’t know.  So I shamelessly quote the artist Jerry Fresia, “ We make a mark on the canvas and when we look back, we see something that seemingly was not there a moment ago. And there is that miracle: by virtue of making marks, we have created ourselves a tiny bit more – and we actually can see more, feel more, because we have become more, by that tiny bit”.


He says it so beautifully.